NEW PROCESS to request Certificates of Insurance

New process for requesting Certificates of Insurance for your fields/facilities.

A team needs a Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI) for any field not owned by that team or its respective team club. Any team intending to play EPSA sanctioned match(es) or competition(s) at a site that is not owned by that team or its respective team club  MUST submit a request form from EPSA  for a  Certificate of Liability Insurance (attached) with a copy of a contract/field usage permit from the individual site to be utilized in advance of any match to be played at that respective site, identifying the date(s), time(s), and physical location of that site

The contract or field usage permit may be inclusive of all teams within one specific affiliated EPSA League playing on that single one designated site. Each individual team playing on that same one designated site shall be identified on the request form. In this case only, separate contract(s) or field usage permit(s) would not be required for each team.
Once approved, EPSA will then issue a date stamped and authorized Certificate of Liability Insurance to the team manager/coach for that specific site. 
The  Certificate of Liability Insurance will only be applicable to one specific site and the times and dates submitted on the contract/field usage permit. 
This does not waive or approve the field qualification requirements established in the EPSA Cup policies.